The Kerala High Court on Tuesday opined that the time has come to ban the use of single-use plastic in hilly areas of the ...
He added, “The hill allowance will be fixed by 20 per cent in the basic pay and the winter allowance will be given by 5 % of basic pay for those working in hilly areas that are 1,000 to 1,499 ...
Hence it is Super reliable as its true blue SUV with rear wheel drive power train which is the most suitable for hilly areas.
Srinagar India Meteorological Department on January 02 informed that light snowfall can be seen in some hilly areas of North ...
A large number of domestic and foreign tourists are thronging hilly areas to enjoy the pleasant rainy and chilly weather for making their summer vacations memorable and cherish the unexplored beauty ...
Yanshan and Mt. Taihangshan, including hilly land and basins, mostly lie within an elevation below 2,000 meters, accounting for 48.1 percent of the total area. The Hebei Plain is part of the North ...
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has predicted that cold and dry weather will prevail across most parts of the country on Wednesday, with hilly areas experi ...
Hence, it will provide a decent riding experience in hilly areas. Since it is an electric vehicle, you need to make sure that the battery is fully charged before you take it for a ride.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Little Rock has some hilly areas, and for people who live around Reservoir Road, sometimes they have to take the chance and drive during winter weather, but others are ...