Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff showcased his toned physique in a new photo, taken just a day after recovering from dengue.
Canonical has announced that its chiselled Ubuntu containers are now generally available. These are ultra-small OCI images that just deliver an application and its runtime dependencies ...
And as he changed into his navy blue swimming trunks, the presenter showed off his taut six-pack and chiselled chest. Ben looked in high spirits despite the ice cold water, as he gave a double ...
Standing at an imposing seven feet tall, dressed in saffron robes and adorned with a rudraksha mala, his presence at the Maha ...
The struggle of the stone carvers was not just about their craft but also about their identity. It was about preserving a ...
Amid the sea of saffron-clad sadhus and the mystical chants of "Har Har Mahadev," one towering figure has captured the ...
Facial fitness gum is the newest fad to go viral on social media, the chewing of which claims to give users a chiselled and ...