If you want to show the woodpeckers that overwinter in your area a little more love, focus on ways to make your yard more ...
Wildfires consume all and leave little more than ashes in their wake—but that’s hardly enough to stop these animals from ...
The red-headed woodpecker and the red-bellied woodpecker are often confused as they both have red colored feathers on their ...
I can still vividly remember the thrill of watching woodpeckers turning up at our garden peanut feeders as a small boy. As ...
ABC15 went out to see firsthand how SCDNR biologists work to protect the keystone species. "They completely change the system and they add complexity to the system," Lerow said. The woodpeckers ...
Rows of pea-size holes, drilled in the trunks of thin-barked trees, are the beginnings of a story that stretches back ...
This common desert woodpecker replaces the closely related Nuttall’s in arid regions; the 2 species are known to hybridize at a few localities in southern California. Polytypic (about 8 ssp.
“Decades of active management by local, state and federal agencies have paid off, but a lot more still needs to be done to protect the long-leaf pine forests these woodpeckers and hundreds of other ...
The Department of the Interior in October announced the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is downlisting the red-cockaded ...