Japan’s Emperor Akihito has marked the end of his three-decade reign with a ceremony in Tokyo as he prepares to abdicates in favour of his son, Crown Prince Naruhito. Akihito, 85, is the first ...
Keith George and the Emperor of Japan met while both of them were studying at Oxford University's Merton College in 1983. Naruhito and George became close friends while the then-crown prince lived ...
Japan’s former emperor Akihito, left, and former empress Michiko at their residence in Tokyo (AP) The former emperor is reportedly concerned about the extensive damage in the Noto Peninsula ...
11, 2024, shows former Emperor Akihito, left, and his wife former Empress Michiko in Tokyo. (Photo courtesy of Imperial Household Agency/Kyodo) TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Japan's former Emperor Akihito ...
TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and his family greeted ... rules of male-only succession in the imperial family. Under current law, she will leave the family, once she marries outside ...
Supreme above every other man or woman in lineage, rank and sanctity combined is the Emperor of Japan, upon whose splendrous Enthronement world interests focused last week. Certainly no President ...
The Emperor has continued to think about the effects of World War Two in and out of Japan. The couple visited Okinawa 11 times to see where one of the final and fiercest battles was fought, and ...
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako plan to face up to Japan’s wartime history on their visit to Indonesia, a country Japan occupied for more than three years until its defeat in World War II in ...