Adorned with tall, slender pyramids, the wealthy Nile city of Meroë was the seat of power of Kush, an ancient kingdom and rival to Egypt. Kushite culture blended Egyptian customs into its own ...
The pyramids from the Kingdom of Kush form one of the most spectacular sights in Sudan Africa has a rich and complex history but there is widespread ignorance of this heritage. A celebrated ...
Saf's amazing poem takes us to the Kingdom of Kush, an ancient civilisation in Africa, just south of Ancient Egypt. It is often called Nubia and had two different capital cities - the first ...
These five archaeological sites, stretching over more than 60 km in the Nile valley, are testimony to the Napatan (900 to 270 BC) and Meroitic (270 BC to 350 AD) cultures, of the second kingdom of ...