Telugu filmmaker Trinadha Rao Nakkina has apologised amid the massive row over his remarks on actor Anshu at the launch of ...
The reason behind the sudden speculation and viral news is that recently, trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan took to his X ...
Speaking at the teaser launch event of ’Mazaka’ movie which starts Anshu Ambani, the Telugu director spoke about the actor’s ...
Attack was aimed to overthrow democratically elected American government in order to replace it with a dictatorship fueled by ...
In a surprising turn of events, Apple, the world-famous iPhone maker, has dismissed around 185 employees, mostly ...
Renowned actor Anshu Ambani has come out in defense of Telugu director Trinadha Rao Nakkina after he was embroiled in a ...
Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has invited Telugus settled in different parts of the globe to invest in Telangana and cooperate in the development of the State.