The Avatar franchise is set to expand its captivating universe with Avatar: Fire and Ash, releasing on December 19, 2025.
Game of Thrones is packed with unforgettable characters, but some didn't get the spotlight they deserved. Here are the 6 most ...
Talisa met Robb Stark on the battlefield after the Battle of Oxcross, and then they fell in love and got married, violating Robb's deal with the Freys. She was from Volantis. Time of death ...
While both characters die fairly early on in the series, they remain the most solid relationship ever to appear on "Game of Thrones ... Robb, Talisa, and Catelyn Stark are all executed viciously ...
Oona Chaplin, who played the tragically-killed Talisa Stark in "Game of Thrones," has signed on to all four sequels to James Cameron's "Avatar." She'll play Varang, a "strong and vibrant central ...
We need to talk about Lady Stoneheart and her potential role in Game of Thrones season 8… As fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones will obviously remember, our beloved Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley ...
In A Storm of Swords, Robb and Catelyn Stark along with many of their soldiers are murdered. It’s an absolutely gruesome scene, and thankfully, Martin understands just how horrific it is, and he even ...