This Application Form is to be used for international applicants to a SUNY ESF Exchange Program. Complete this application form in its entirety and gather all required support documentation. Write a ...
Students studying at one of Smith College’s partner schools who wish to come to Smith College through an international exchange program must be nominated by the international office at their home ...
Drexel Global offers two options for international visiting students: Exchange program: available for students studying within allocated exchange spots for one to three terms at Drexel. May be ...
Qualified high school students are offered a unique opportunity to explore the world by spending an academic year, semester or summer in Europe, Asia, North or South America, Australia or South Africa ...
and Programs Office for more detailed information. Technology: All students at William & Mary, including visiting exchange students, are required to have a personal laptop computer. If you do not plan ...
The Trump administration could establish new hurdles for international student exchange programs in both directions, which some colleges are already planning for. International Students Are Wary ...
At any point prior to the deadlines, admission to certain academic programs may be closed. It is crucial that exchange students seeking admission to Computer Science, Management (Business/Economics), ...
Rotary District 5060 announced the selection of 12 students to participate in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program, (RYE).