Sony opted instead to keep the A95L as its flagship OLED, while the Bravia 9 Mini-LED TV took center stage as its most advanced 2024 set. That should be proof alone in just how well-rounded the ...
Sony's only new OLED TV, the Bravia 8, is already enjoying some hefty discounts ... We wish it was a bit more subtle, but it's an impressive set nonetheless. The 77-inch OLED809 should perform very ...
This Sony X90J review is happening just as a huge number of TVs arrive on the scene, including Sony's own stunning OLED sets (A90J and A80J), so this mid-range 4K LED TV is in danger of being lost ...
this set is well worth considering. If you want a giant OLED TV and don't fancy paying full price then look no further than the 77-inch Sony Bravia 8. Offering fantastic picture quality, solid app ...