using modern sustainable agile practices, such as backlogs, user stories, velocity charts, and test driven development, to deliver value as quickly as possible to end users, clients, developers, and ...
In order to fill this gap a number of “agile methods” have been developed such as Dynamic ... However, companies are scaling their use of Scrum into much larger teams often using “scrum of scrums”.
In response, alternatives were explored, culminating in the Agile Manifesto for Software Development of 2001, which proposed a combination of mindsets and methodologies for developing software.
Teamwork at the heart of development ... agile methodologies is to direct as many resources and staff as possible to a sprint cycle. Sprints are often completed quickly and help develop software ...
Value stream management involves people in the organization to examine workflows and other processes to ensure they are deriving the maximum value from their efforts while eliminating waste — of ...