Or are we seeing the beginnings of something profoundly transformative—a spark of cognition? That struggle brought me here: to untangle the illusion of “emergence” from the reality of what ...
A 2024 study has found a tool developed by researchers at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC) is effective in early diagnosis of cognitive disorders when used in the primary care ...
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Religious Experience, now updated and expanded in a new edition, updates key topics covered in the first edition including: decentering and self-transformation, ...
He has edited books on various forms of animal and human cognition, including deception, pretense, self-awareness and anthropomorphism, and is on the boards of editors of the Journal of Comparative ...
Self-guided cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) proved noninferior to clinician-guided CBT for reducing symptom severity in ...
- The evidence suggests that cognitive assessment tools that are completed by people themselves could be used in the detection and diagnosis of dementia. - There is not enough evidence to recommend ...
Opens in a new tab or window Share on LinkedIn. Opens in a new tab or window Self-guided cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) proved noninferior to clinician-guided CBT for reducing symptom severity ...
Individuals who self-report and whose partners report cognitive decline have greater tau, which is driven by elevated beta-amyloid (Aβ).