A reconstruction of Homo erectus - the first known human to walk fully upright An ancient relative of modern humans survived into comparatively recent times in South East Asia, a new study has ...
Homo erectus, remains of which have been found in Java, Indonesia, and mainland China, tended to have much narrower jawbones and smaller teeth. Researchers say that this suggests the robust-jawed ...
The remains recovered from the cave complex include the earliest example of Homo erectus - a direct human ancestor Two million years ago, three different human-like species were living side-by ...
Several hominin species made their home at Koobi Fora over the span of about 3 million years, including two types of australopithecines and four members of the Homo genus. But because the fossil ...
Caption 3D reconstruction of the fossil skull of the sub-adult early Homo from the Dmanisi site in Georgia. The green, orange and red colors represent the preserved teeth (imaged respectively with ...