One imagines Jean-Pascal Dauce, dismayed at having had his request to give the forthcoming phase two Renaultsport Mégane R26 a power hike curiously denied, felt a lump form in his throat.
火星人R26‘0’菌洗热水器通过外观、健康、噪音控制和热水供应的全面革新,不仅为用户带来了高品质的沐浴体验,更是以实际行动回应了消费者对健康厨房生活的期盼。在这场追求健康与美感的浪潮中,火星人以其深思熟虑的策略和产品创新,成功树立了母婴级健康沐浴的新 ...
But could they be outdone by two other extreme hot hatches of recent years, the 227bhp Renaultsport Megane R26.R and monster 345bhp Ford Focus RS500? Both also enjoy cult status and rarity ...