IT之家12月10日报道,科技界再掀波澜!AMD的顶配Strix Halo APU“Ryzen AI MAX+ PRO 395”近期在GeekBench跑分库中大放异彩,震撼的好消息是,这款令人期待的APU竟然在Vulkan跑分测试中以67004分的佳绩超越了GeForce RTX 3050的61993分,真可谓性能逆天。
They're hard to find, yes: Nvidia's GeForce RTX 3050 budget graphics cards rolled out from its card partners on Jan. 27. We took a comparative look at them all to help you in your hunt.
They're hard to find, yes: Nvidia's GeForce RTX 3050 budget graphics cards rolled out from its card partners on Jan. 27. We took a comparative look at them all to help you in your hunt.