Initial reports said two Ukrainian channels were hacked to broadcast Moscow’s Victory Day parade, but Russian channels were also reportedly hacked to display pro-Ukrainian messages. Russian hackers ...
MOSCOW, October 30. /TASS/. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico expressed his honor at the prospect of attending the 2025 parade in Moscow, which will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Soviet ...
Visitors view the Soviet T-34-76 medium tank during an exhibition commemorating the 83rd historical parade, which celebrates the anniversary of the 1941 'Battle of Moscow' during World War II ...
sports programming and even acrobatic rock and roll. The games were also expected to include a parade on Red Square. ・Russia had planned to host the games every four years. ・The International ...
adding that sanctions against Russia were ineffective. He declared that he was ready to negotiate with Putin. He also vowed to attend a military parade in Moscow next May that will mark the 80th ...
adding that sanctions against Russia were ineffective. He declared that he was ready to negotiate with Putin. Fico also vowed to attend a military parade in Moscow next May that will mark the 80th ...