Chinese museums are abuzz with exhibitions from European jewellery houses. Over the summer, Bulgari’s travelling exhibition, Serpenti Factory, opened at the Genesis gallery in Beijing, while ...
保利世博天悦售楼处电话☎:400-889-3221✔✔✔ Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-889-3221✔✔✔ No matter how The Times change, the city center has always been one of the core criteria for real estate. 上海 ...
At a Burberry store in downtown Shanghai, the company’s distinctive tartan scarf costs Rmb4,800 ($678). But download the fashion app DeWu, upload a photo of the scarf and an identical-looking item ...
根据点点数据,得物的全球下载量已累计46亿次。根据QuestMobile数据,得物2024年3月月活用户近8800万,同比增长17.3%,在国内电商平台MAU榜单中排行第四。而得物网站显示,其月活跃用户约为 1 亿。
爱马仕目前的市值为2280亿欧元,而路威酩轩集团的市值为3310亿欧元。但分析师预计,到2027年,这家柏金包制造商将超越贝尔纳·阿尔诺(Bernard ...
Our client, a luxury retail brand, is embarking on a new high-end F&B project in Beijing and is now seeking a Bar Manager.
心仪的衣服终于送到家,快递里最重的却不一定是衣服,还有可能是吊牌。最近,不少网友发现,现在的衣服上,吊牌多得几乎可以“打扑克”。不管是网购的衣服,还是商场服装店,一件衣服上挂三四张吊牌已是司空见惯。买件短袖回家能收获5张巴掌大的吊牌,夸张一点的时候, ...
刚刚过去的9月,恰逢中华人民共和国成立75周年,举国欢庆。 国庆长假前一周,从9月23日至28日,约有26场活动在全国不同城市举行,无论是新车下线还是首发、上市,都可以说献礼之作。
- “FX”全球Logo共创大赛是9月19日FX发布会的后续。FF在发布会上正式启动其双品牌战略,并宣布了第二品牌Faraday X(FX)及其首批车型的发布计划。- FX ...
From January to August 2024, Chery Automobile achieved cumulative sales of 1.5 million units, marking a year-on-year increase ...
the brand of choice for those who appreciate the finer things, is renowned for using premium materials like stainless steel and gold. Meanwhile, the Apple Watch prefers to flex its tech muscles, ...
北京时间2024年10月9日(美国加州10月8日)——总部位于美国加州的全球共享智能电动出行生态公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.(纳斯达克:FFIE)("Faraday Future "、"FF"或 ...