Bringing together archive from a rich vein of programmes recorded for BBC Radio 4 over the last 15 years, including interviews with those who have visited, the documentary, Travels in North Korea ...
A new documentary with a bizarre cast of characters claims to shed light on North Korea's efforts to evade international sanctions, by tricking members of Kim Jong-un's secretive regime into ...
Little is still known about North Korea and life behind the totalitarian curtain. Katharina Zellweger visited North Korea for the first time in 1995 and has since been to the country around 70 times, ...
An award-winning documentary about defecting from North Korea exposes the grim reality facing those who cross the Chinese border, only to be captured and sent back. The number of people attempting ...
“When I saw what life was really like,” said Gavin ... they had just escaped from North Korea, a country with no documentary culture, so they could not exactly have given informed consent.