If you want to extend the due date on your checked-out items, you can usually renew them. Most materials can be renewed online. The due date will be increased for the same amount of time as the ...
Standard and two week loan items can be renewed twice by borrowers. All Library loans are subject to recall if requested by another borrower. If an item is on loan and it has been recalled, it must be ...
You can borrow, and renew loans for, almost all materials in the Helsinki University Library collections. Materials that are not available for loan can be read in the library. Use the self-service ...
The book collection is located on the 1st and 2nd floors and can be checked out at the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor. *Some exceptions to loan periods may apply. RIT students, faculty, staff, ...
Kuhl pointed to the library renewal levy on the Nov. 8 general election ballot and said she would not vote for it. Councilman Ray Eubanks said he shared Rowley’s concerns about the book.