In downtown London, an urban farming project is sprouting hope, with trays of microgreens grown in a simple office space providing fresh, nutritious food to those facing food insecurity, while offerin ...
SRUC has stepped up its commitment to global and local food production and security by becoming the first higher education institution in Scotland to open a commercial-sized vertical farm.
The great indoors provides optimal growing conditions for lettuce and other leafy greens at Siberia B.V. Each acre in the greenhouse yields as much lettuce as 10 outdoor acres and cuts the need ...
The so-called vertical farm can grow salad three times as fast as traditional outdoor agriculture thanks to its controlled, consistent climate. Lettuce, basil and other herbs are grown under ...
This new connection with Lettuce Grow, which specializes in hydroponic (growing self-fertilizing and self-watering in sand, gravel or liquid) gardening, gives guests the chance to access free ...