An epic adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel in which an extraordinary cast of characters struggle to survive in war-torn France. A story of love, injustice, redemption and hope.
An epic adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel; a story of love, injustice, redemption and hope. Set in war-torn France, the story follows the struggles and triumphs of those living in the ...
people will not look in the same way at a musical [based on] the most important novel in the French language.” France has finally fallen in love with Les Misérables in its reworked guise.
World literary discussion: comparative discussion of French author Victor Hugo’s historical novel “Les Miserables and the Sinhalese translation “Manu Thaapaya” by author I.M.R.A ...
Les Misérables, a towering figure in the world of musicals, is an epic tale of redemption, revolution, and the enduring human spirit. Adapted from Victor Hugo's classic novel, the story unfolds ...