Frankie, a five-year-old French bulldog, weighs a whopping 26kg - around the same as a small adult deer. His owner Danielle ...
Meet Frankie, the French bulldog whose size is causing a stir wherever he goes ... At 26kg, Frankie surpasses other known ...
Frankie the Frenchie is a real head-turner - tipping the scales at a whopping 26kg, the five-year-old pooch is a big deal ...
Frankie the Frenchie weighs a whopping 26kg and is believed to be the biggest of his breed in the world, with his owner being ...
A FRENCH bulldog owner whose pooch weighs as much as a deer has hit back at people who stop her in the street to call her dog ...
And Frankie's owner Danielle reckons he could be a record-breaker, weighing in at more than any other known large French bulldog across the globe Frankie, who lives with his owner in Eccles ...
Danielle reckons the dog could be a record-breaker as it weighs in at more than any other known large French bulldog globally, she told Manchester Evening News. Frankie has been described as ...
Tipping the scales at a whopping 26kg, the five-year-old pooch is a real head-turner. And Frankie's owner Danielle reckons he could be a record-breaker, weighing in at more than any other known large ...