Japan has chosen two futuristic fox-like creatures with "supernatural" powers as its mascots for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. The as-yet unnamed mascots won a vote among ...
Did you know that Japan has over 3,000 different mascots representing everything from cities to events? During the pandemic they may not be out as much, but usually you would see them around ...
All eyes are on Japan this week, thanks to the much-delayed Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, happening July 23 to Aug 8. The event has been a hot debate topic for months now, with some countries and ...
And Japan, as well as being the tournament's ... Like shooting stars, World Cup and Olympic mascots shine brilliantly but briefly. Mr Carlier reckons the red-and-white pair will quietly retire ...
Sun Arrow manufactured dolls of the Tokyo Olympic mascot called Miraitowa, which combines the Japanese words “mirai” (future) and “towa” (forever). It also produced Someity, the Paralympic ...
Learn more about the vibrant Japanese capital city that will host this year's Olympics, and find out what they have chosen for mascots and medal designs, below. This is Miraitowa (pronounced ...
The names of mascots for the Games were unveiled on July 22nd. Miraitowa will represent the Olympics. The name combines the Japanese words for future and eternity. Paralympic mascot Someity is ...
The Olympics are on the horizon, learn about the history of the Olympic mascots and why they have become so iconic. Take your marks, get set and take on the ultimate Olympic mascot quiz!