Japan may be known for its bustling, neon-lit cities, but much of the country, as beautifully depicted in anime, still retains a peaceful, pastoral countryside. Many iconic anime set in rural ...
30 that the plan to offer up to 600,000 yen ($4,100) to newlywed women who move from Tokyo’s 23 wards to the countryside will effectively be scrapped. “Is the government trying to use money to ...
The negatives are that it costs a lot of money to refurbish an old house in Japan, even though the initial cost of buying was cheap. Summers are also hot and humid, although the countryside is ...
I feel Japan gives me the freedom that I want at ... This is true for most people who live in the countryside. You get to see how nature works. But I also get to do that in a way where I feel ...
a major American firm offering an online platform to rent out accommodation in private homes, has announced plans to rejuvenate kominka in the Japanese countryside for use as “minpaku ...