Whether they're small, medium, or large, brown or red, or a mix of breeds and colors, hound dogs are lovable, loyal friends to hunters and families alike. Originally bred as hunting dogs ...
Their skin lacks the droopiness and folds of many other hound dog breeds, such as the bloodhound. Overall, this dog has a ...
Long and shiny locks are always a sight to behold, especially when it belongs to a four-legged friend. Here are some dog ...
Italian Greyhounds and Miniature Schnauzers are among the short-haired dog breeds that shed less than others. Short-haired ...
In the United States, the American Kennel Club (AKC) currently registers 202 dog breeds. This number, however, does not ...
Their balanced temperament makes them a standout among North Carolina dog breeds. In 1989, the Plott Hound was officially named the North Carolina canine mascot. Its recognition honored the breed ...