Students and alumni held signs with slogans of freedom and protest art. Some wore an eye ... a 19-year-old alumnus from True Light Middle School of Hong Kong, said that she thinks the students ...
The act of refusing to buy a product or take part in something as part of a protest. In Hong Kong, school strikes (or class boycotts) have been taking place in opposition to the extradition ...
HONG KONG--Riot police were deployed across Hong Kong on Thursday as lawmakers debated a bill that would criminalize disrespect of China’s national anthem, and as the United States piled ...
The 2019 protests were sparked by a proposed extradition law that would have allowed criminal suspects in Hong Kong to be sent to the mainland for trial. The government withdrew the bill ...
Seven others have had their Hong Kong passports revoked as the city cracks down on those it deems to have violated national security laws introduced in 2020 after protests the year before.