Somehow, H. erectus was able to adjust to this new landscape. The early humans visited water holes that popped up after it ...
A million years ago, a species known as Homo erectus most likely survived in an arid desert with no trees. By Carl Zimmer ...
Recent research has revealed that early human ancestors, specifically Homo erectus, thrived in extreme desert conditions over ...
Over a million years ago, Homo erectus demonstrated remarkable adaptability by thriving in harsh desert environments, ...
Homo erectus, lived between 500 thousand and 1.5 million years ago and it is with this species that we see the first signs of organised hunting activity based around communities. They tended to ...
The remains recovered from the cave complex include the earliest example of Homo erectus - a direct human ancestor Two million years ago, three different human-like species were living side-by ...
The CENIEH has participated in an international project at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) centered on this species which thrived in ...
If australopithecine-like species were able to reach South-East Asia, it would change the way our ideas about who in our human family tree left Africa first. Homo erectus has long thought to have ...