On Friday, Perfect Game released their top players by class, which includes five Gamecocks among the top 50 of their respective classes. Ethan Petry (13) and Eli Jerzembeck (48) were the two ...
Fantasy trends and hidden gems: Manifesting championships with Logan Thompson, Quinton Byfield Dom Luszczyszyn offers up his fifth in-season update to his 2024-25 fantasy hockey rest-of-season ...
LaNorris Sellers used his elusiveness to put the Gamecocks on his back, scoring the only 2 touchdowns South Carolina would need to be victorious over Clemson 17-14. The Gamecocks end the season at ...
The game is set for today January 11th at 12:00 PM in San Antonio, Texas, and several South Carolina Gamecock commits and targets will take the field. Joining Sarratt is junior four-star ...