We featured [Fabrizio Di Vittorio]’s FabGL library for the ESP32 back in April of this year. This library allows VGA output using a simple resistor based DAC (3 resistors for 8 colors ...
The ESP Offline Programmer is an ESP32 board with a microSD card slot designed to flash the firmware to other ESP32 or ...
What’s the cheapest quadcopter you can build? As [Circuit Digest] demonstrates with their variant of the ESP-Drone project by Espressif, you only need a minimum of parts: an ESP32 MCU, an ...
金融界12月13日消息,有投资者在互动平台向乐鑫科技提问:最近看到视频“esp32大模型AI桌面机器人”esp32–sparkbot特别火,里面用到了百度的小度app来控制,所以想问:除了抖音的豆包大模型外,乐鑫的硬件+软件是否能接入百度文心一言大模型?还能接人更多的大模型吗?返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。