Follow Bloomberg India on WhatsApp for exclusive content and analysis on what billionaires, businesses and markets are doing. Sign up here. A surge in gold imports that widened India’s trade ...
India’s record gold imports last month was reportedly due to an error in calculation. The Indian government is re-examining the surge in gold imports that widened ...
The authors made a math error that put the estimated risk from kitchen utensils off by an order of magnitude. Specifically, the authors estimated that if a kitchen utensil contained middling levels of ...
Basic concepts in hypothesis testing, including effect sizes, type I and type II errors, calculation of statistical power, non-centrality parameter, and applications of these concepts to twin studies.
COLOPL, Inc. has submitted correction reports to amend previous financial statements due to discovered errors in profit and sales calculations for past fiscal years. The corrections include an ...
A surge in gold imports that widened India’s trade deficit to a record last month and pushed the rupee to an all-time low was due to an error in calculation ...