Global Offensive skins continue to remain hugely popular, especially with the change to CS2 or Counter-Strike 2.
Classic Offensive, a fan-made Counter-Strike remake, has had its Steam release rejected after eight years of development.
But the game has endured and 2013’s CSGO remains one of the top shooters on the market to this day. However, this time around things are different, because this report comes from Richard Lewis ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@红猴er于01月17日发布,转载请标明出处!】 本猴在水黑盒的时候经常会发现有盒友疑惑如何来挑选有磨损模板的手套,这篇文章将会以欧米伽为例发表一下我自己的看法。 ---------------------------------- ...
在电子竞技的世界里,谣言和传言总是充斥着每一个角落。近期,前CSGO职业选手Zeus的不幸离世在社交媒体上引发了广泛的讨论。根据报道,他在比利时布鲁塞尔的骚乱中去世,V社也宣布将永久绝版他的贴纸。这个消息瞬间引起了玩家们的关注,然而,经过深入调查,这 ...
As part of his investigation, HOUNGOUNGAGNE released a survey asking people to answer questions about their gambling habits, particularly linked to CS:GO skin gambling. In total, there were 9,227 ...
在电竞圈,CSGO一直是一款备受推崇的第一人称射击游戏,拥有庞大的玩家基础和众多职业战队。然而,近日却有一则令玩家们揪心的消息引发了热议:前CSGO职业选手Zeus在比利时首都布鲁塞尔的不幸离世。这则噩耗通过社交媒体迅速传播,令不少玩家感到震惊与惋惜,然而真相却远比表面复杂得多。 CSGO职业选手Zeus的“离世”事件 根据消息,Zeus是在当地时间28日凌晨因暴力骚乱而不幸丧命,V社宣布将永久封 ...
Valve has purportedly blocked a Steam release for Counter-Strike: Classic Offensive, a mod for CS:GO that aims to faithfully ...
2024年12月,CS:GO的竞技舞台再度被点燃,在上海Major决战之夜,一个新的传奇诞生了。年轻的战队‘绿龙’以压倒性的表现赢得了比赛,而年仅17岁的天才选手donk则成为了这场胜利的绝对主角,不仅帮助队伍夺得冠军,更是成为电竞历史上首位获得Major冠军的17岁玩家,荣获FMVP。这个夜晚,donk以其卓越的游戏理解、精准的枪法以及稳健的心理素质,带领绿龙创造了无数精彩瞬间,证明了年轻一代选 ...
The team behind big Counter-Strike mod Classic Offensive claims that Valve just blocked it from coming to Steam, after eight years of work.
Criminals have been laundering money via the popular Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) video game, says creator Valve. In a statement, it said the game had been targeted by global cyber ...