俄罗斯官员周五(12月27日)透露,中国国家主席习近平2025年将再次访问俄罗斯。 这个消息来自俄罗斯官媒俄新社(RIA)的报道。俄新社引用俄罗斯驻中国大使伊戈尔·莫尔古洛夫(Igor ...
MOSCOW, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday at the annual press conference that relations between Russia and China have reached an unprecedented level as a result of ...
In recent years, China has taken a series of steps to streamline its inbound travel. Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said ...
China has tripled the amount of time visitors can spend in the country without a visa in yet another move to entice more ...
MOSCOW, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) -- Russia expects to resume economic and investment cooperation with the new Syrian leaders, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday.