This effect can occur once every 5s. Powered by The Black Sword is a 4-Star Sword Weapon in Genshin Impact. A pitch-black longsword that thirsts for violence and conflict. It is said that this ...
Iron Sting is a 4-Star Sword Weapon in Genshin Impact. An exotic long-bladed rapier that somehow found its way into Liyue via foreign traders. It is light, agile, and sharp. If you plan to ascend ...
Update 5.2 for Genshin Impact, called the Iktomi Spiritseeking Scrolls, adds a new weapon you can get named the Calamity of Eshu. This Sword is a ceremonial blade forged by Sanhaj, the high priest ...
The Flute of Ezpitzal is a craftable 4-star sword in Genshin Impact ... Borderland Sword Billet x 1 Condessence Crystal ×50 White Iron Chunk ×50 Mora ×500 The Borderland Sword Billet is ...
According to a leak, Legend of the Vagabond Sword ... by Navia in Genshin Impact, as well as other Geo characters that can consistently apply Geo. Lastly, the Tyrant of Fire and Iron is designed ...