Around the world, humans routinely kill carnivores to protect livestock and game, increase human safety and conserve native ...
Known by different names such as the frilled agama, the frill-neck lizard, the frill-necked lizard, and the frilled dragon, this species of lizard is often equated to a modern representation of ...
Australia has already lost at least 100 species since European colonisation. Now, 1,657 species are currently threatened with ...
Operation Ares leads to the arrest of a 26-year-old woman from Ashfield who allegedly tried to export 94 live native reptiles ...
Feral cats kill more than 1.5 billion native mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs each year. (University of South Australia) Red imported fire ants could cost Australia $22 billion by the 2040s.
More than 30 excited participants have taken conservation into their own hands and jumped on-board for Rockhampton Zoo’s ...
Australia's ecosystem could face a disastrous future if the cause of a mystery illness killing two of the country's most ...