Α Alpha (al-fah) Β Beta (bay-tah) Γ Gamma (gam-ah) Δ Delta (del-tah) Ε Epsilon (ep-si-lon) Ζ Zeta (zay-tah) Η Eta (ay-tah) Θ Theta (thay-tah) Ι Iota (eye-o-tah) Κ Kappa (cap-pah) Λ Lambda (lamb-dah) Μ ...
Tthe ancient Greeks claimed that the Greek alphabet was introduced by Cadmus from Phoenicia at some point before ... Thus, it is evident that the alphabet must have come from Egypt and was then ...
A mysterious inscription on an ancient Sphinx that puzzled scientists for decades has finally been deciphered as written in ...
Long before the “A, B, C Song” — built upon the Latin alphabet — and the alphas, betas and gammas of Ancient Greek ... language made of individual letters, is a newer invention, but ...