The documentary, titled "Angel in Amish Country, The Perry Reese Jr. Story," has been a labor of love, taking more than 20 years to complete, according to producer Zosimo 'Jay' Maximo. Throughout ...
Presented by Dilip Piramal and Amish Tripathi, the documentary is written by Anirban Bhattacharya and Pranav Chaturvedi, the documentary takes the viewers through the history of the sacred land of ...
What is shunning? Through interviews with both current and former Amish people, this documentary explores the practice of shunning and what it's like to be cut off from your faith and your family.
Three generations of Amish make a rare decision to tell their ... and a civilization of consumption pushed to the extreme? This documentary raises questions about the notion of individual freedom ...
An Amish Murder Based on the novel Sworn to Silence, a woman returns to the Amish community she grew up in as its chief of police and becomes involved in a murder investigation that triggers deep ...
A documentary about the life and impact of former Hiland High School basketball coach Perry Reese Jr. is nearing completion after over 20 years. The film, titled "Angel in Amish Country ...