Few food production methods anywhere in the world are more sustainable and well-regulated than fisheries in Alaska.
One is rockfish, which when filleted and sautéed, make a fabulous dinner. Here are two sauces for sautéed rockfish. Both are great and I hope you will try each one. Cooking this way is very fast.
Alaska trawl fisheries are under attack by radical groups. Photo by ErinGla ...
Many Seattle-based boats are factory trawlers that target pollock, cod, rockfish, flounders and other “groundfish” species.
Alaskans are all too familiar with radical groups funded by out-of-state interests seeking to shut down sustainable resource development. A predictable cast of characters — including billionaire activ ...
Conservation and tribal advocates have lobbied for a crackdown for years on the unintentional harvests of salmon and other ...
According to Alaska statute, “contact with the bottom is prohibited” in this “pelagic,” or “midwater” fishery, yet ...
A long-running debate over bycatch in the pollock fishery has moved closer to urban Alaska with a new set of proposals aimed ...