Japan's beloved former Emperor Akihito marked his 91st birthday on Monday, as he continues to pursue his lifetime research ...
Japan ’s former emperor Akihito celebrated his 91st birthday on Monday by spending most of his time caring for his wife who ...
Emperor Emeritus Akihito, who turned 91 on Dec. 23, continues leading a calm and regular daily life, according to ...
This year, Akihito has been particularly concerned about people who were affected by a fatal New Year earthquake and heavy rains in autumn in Japan's northcentral region of Noto, the IHA said.
BELOVED former emperor Akihito marked his 91st birthday, as he continues to pursue his lifetime research into goby fish, care ...
Akihito had devoted his three-decades-long reign to making amends for a war fought in his father’s name while bringing the aloof monarchy closer to the people. His era was the first in Japan’s ...
This year, Akihito has been particularly concerned about people who were affected by a fatal New Year earthquake and heavy rains in autumn in Japan’s northcentral region of Noto, the IHA said.