作者 | Sergio De Simone译者 | 马可薇策划 | Tina安全公司 Aqua 在 AWS 云开发工具(CDK)中发现了一个新漏洞:手动删除 AWS S3 存储桶的对象可能导致黑客完全接管目标的 AWS 账户。虽然 AWS 已经修复了该漏洞,但如果使用的 CDK 为 v2.148.1 或更早版本,则仍需采取行动。AWS 云开发工具(CDK)是一款 IaC ...
Datadog report reveals 46% of organizations use unmanaged long-lived credentials, posing significant security risks.
The information pulled this way included AWS customer keys and secrets, database credentials, Git credentials and source code ...
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched a dashboard for its Arm-based Graviton CPU that will measure savings opportunities in ...
By implementing Buy with AWS, SecurityScorecard now provides simplified software buying experiences for customers on its ...