The culprit is an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, or ALDH2 [1]. ALDH2 is the second enzyme of the major oxidative pathway of alcohol metabolism. In short, it is a key player in how our ...
Facial flushing in a 22-year-old ALDH2 heterozygote before (left) and after (right) drinking alcohol. The individual pictured in this figure has given written consent for publication of his ...
近日,“喝酒脸红其实是一种基因突变”的话题再次引发公众关注。如果你也是喝酒后容易脸红的人,请务必放下酒杯,保护好自己的健康。据《生命时报》报道,喝酒脸红的人,其体内的ALDH2基因存在突变。这种突变会导致乙醛脱氢酶2的活性降低,进而导致酒精代谢产生的 ...
如果你是一喝酒就“上脸”的人,劝你还是别喝了。喝酒脸红是因为携带了一种基因突变——ALDH2基因突变,35%~45%的亚洲人 ...