呼吸支持技术是严重急性呼吸道感染患者最重要的生命支持手段。我国目前尚无统一的氧疗规范。国际上的氧疗建议也不尽相同。针对RSV感染患者,“2008建议”不推荐氧疗,“2014建议”仅推荐SpO2<90%的患者进行氧疗,“2006建议”和“2015建议”推荐氧疗指征为SpO2<92%。“2024指南”在国际建议的基础上,总结并推荐了我国RSV下呼吸道感染患者氧疗的指征: ...
Respiratory syncytial virus is the leading cause of hospitalization among U.S. infants. A vaccine, nirsevimab, can reduce the ...
This time of year, Rhonda Williams from New Brunswick can be seen wearing a mask pretty much anywhere she goes. “It’s better ...
Winnipeg’s Children's Hospital is experiencing a surge in the number of patients experiencing respiratory illnesses, and one ...
Common RSV symptoms include coughing, congestion, and headaches, as well as trouble eating, drinking, and swallowing. RSV ...
As the post-holiday viruses spread around the country, health experts are warning of a ‘quad-demic’ of illnesses that could ...
“我们发现,平均而言,免疫功能低下的老年人在接种疫苗后产生的针对RSV的抗体较少,而在用于验证疫苗的临床试验中,60岁以上的健康人产生了非常强烈的反应。此外,免疫功能低下者的抗体水平变化很大,一些研究参与者因接种疫苗而表现出免疫力的强烈增强,而另一些人则几乎没有反应。” Andrew Karaba博士说。
Respiratory viruses including COVID-19, the flu, RSV and pneumonia are on the rise throughout Virginia, according to the ...
As colder weather sets in, common illnesses such as the cold, flu, RSV and COVID-19 viruses are making their way around ...
RSV and the flu have taken hold as Chicago residents have partaken in festivities in the last several weeks, and COVID is ...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting New Hampshire as one of 11 states currently at a "very high" level of respiratory illness.